Jeezuzdev - Fullstack Engineer

Projects I've built

Lograf Admin

Lograf Admin is an easy-to-manage CMS that allows you to have an administrator portal in which you can manage your online store, controlling the handling of your products, order status, agendas, and services.

You can learn more about it in the following links

Lograf Ecommerce

Lograf Ecommerce is an easy-to-manage online sales ecosystem that allows you to have your ecommerce site integrated into your commerce's internal system. It will allow you to have different payment methods to access your products. Using Lograf Admin the user can manage his online store, controlling the handling of their products and order status. Currently there are more than 30 online stores powered by Lograf Ecommerce

You can learn more about it in the following links

Lograf Agenda

Lograf Agenda is an easy-to-manage appointment scheduling ecosystem that allows you to have your site where you can have information about your services and your clients can choose a date and time to schedule themselves. Using Lograf Admin the user can manage his schedules and days easily.

You can learn more about it in the following links


A way for teachers and creators to upload their content into a blockchain, from studying material to whole online courses for students to purchase using their wallet so they can have unlimited and permanent access for the items stored on their wallets.

You can learn more about it in the following links

Build with Svelte 2023